Sunday 23 February 2020

Cold Falling White (The Nahx Invasions Series, book 2)

By Gabrielle S. Prendergast

Two teens fight for their lives after an alien invasion in this heart-stopping follow-up to Zero Repeat Forever.

Humans. Clones. Aliens. No one is safe anymore. It’s the end of the world.

Xander Liu survived the alien invasion—just barely. For more than a year, he has outsmarted, hidden from, and otherwise avoided the ruthless intruders, the Nahx, dodging the deadly darts that have claimed so many. When the murder of his friend leaves him in the protective company of August, a rebellious Nahx soldier, Xander is finally able to make his way back to human controlled territory and relative safety. But safety among the humans is not what it seems.

When Raven awakes on a wide expanse of snowy sand dunes, she has many questions. What has happened to her and the other reanimated humans gathered around her? What is the meaning of the Nahx ships that hover ominously above them? And most pressing of all, where is August, who promised to keep her safe?

In the shadow of an unforgiving Canadian winter, Xander and Raven find themselves on opposite sides of an alien war. Left with little choice about their roles in the looming battle, they search for answers and allies all while being drawn back to the place where their respective fates were determined, and to the one who determined them: August.

I never did a reread Zero Repeat Forever. which was the first book in this series, I wish I had slightly but then I'm also pleased I never did. It was just a bit difficult remembering certain things after 2 years.

I feel like this book started straight after the first one, and overall I feel like the book could have been shorter.

I like how we still get to enjoy the adventure with Raven and her friends and to read their point of views throughout the book. But I just feel like it was just dragged on and half of the characters were just doing stuff to get on my nerves.

I liked the part where we got to meet the other snowflakes and fight against some bad guys but then just getting to those moments just seemed to take ages, certain events I felt kept repeating or at least the same activities. Hence why I feel this book could be made a hell of a lot shorter. I loved meeting Autumn again but the scenes just felt forced and complicated and then I wasn't sure how I felt about the love anymore.

Generally, I felt these characters could have definitely acted a lot more adult like when they were considering the events that they have experienced. I feel that Raven was quite mature about the events that effected her life but her friends were just so childish and just kept doing things that annoyed me.

It was quite nice meeting a new character Mandy and meeting more defective Naux as it allowed you to see the different personalities and the difference between the working ones and none working ones. 

The ending of this book makes me tempted to increase my rating but after writing this review I feel like it doesn't really deserve anymore than a 3.5 stars. I feel like the ending means that there is going to be another book but I'm quite certain that I will not read the third book sadly. I just feel like it is too childish for my age now with all the jealousy and childish commotion. Which just shows that my reading style has actually developed in the last 2 years.

Favourite Character: August

Read: 16/12/19 - 19/01/20

3 stars out of 5

Written by Sammie

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