Book Box Club - December 2019
Theme: Fireside Favourites
- Dangerous Alliance by Jennike Cohen
- Dangerous Alliance Badge
- Clubhouse Invite
- Bonus Arc
- Bookish Beanie by Book Box Club
- Quotable Classic Pencils by Book Box Club
- White Chocolate and Raspberry Bar by Tilly Wonka
- Book Box Club's UK YA Digital Zine
- Woodmark by Mia Minerva
- Calendar
Check out Sammie's first impressions in the video.
The theme of this box was fireside favourites, I was expecting some hot chocolate or marshmallows with this box, but I was sadly disappointed but on a whole the box was still good. But I still don't think this is the best box out their but it is a good cheap alternative.

There was also a calendar within this box for the following year of 2020. I felt this would have been suitable as a desk calendar but it was supposed to actually hang on the wall. So the size of it was a bit disappointing for where it was to be used. I also wasn't really a fan of the art work within the calendar it seemed like it was really basic and plain. But I did like the idea of having a calendar, I just don't think it was to my use sadly.

A wooden bookmark was the next item in the box, by now you should really know I'm not a huge fan of wooden bookmarks just cause they make me paranoid with the ink. Also the design on it wasn't really to my taste sadly, but it will be to someone's it's just my opinion.

The main book was Dangerous Alliances. It's not something that I would usually read but it does sound interesting, so I'm actually looking forward to something new. I'm sure this book had a lot of hype so it should be good.
The advanced reading copy in my box was And The Stars Were Burning Brightly. This book has been on my to be read list and I can't wait to actually get round to reading it. I really love the cover to it and knowing the actual book cover isn't going to be like that I'm so happy. Most people got a different advanced reading copy and the ones that were in the box are on the postcard with the dates.
Written by Sammie
Check out Sammie's review of And The Starts Were Burning Brightly.
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