Saturday 31 August 2019

Grinny (Grinny Series, book 1)

By Nicholas Fisk

Great Aunt Emma is no ordinary old lady. But why is she so strange? For a start, she just appeared, grinning, on the doorstep, as if from nowhere. Why have Mum and Dad never mentioned her before—after all, she is supposed to be Granny's sister, isn't she?

Soon Tim and Beth start noticing more and more odd things about the great-aunt they've nicknamed 'Grinny.' And before long, they make a horrifying discovery. She isn't even human, she's as dangerous as a time-bomb and she has a fearful task to perform which involves them…

I've had this book for a long time now and have eventually got round to reading it as part of my OWLS. Being honest, I can see why I've never picked it up before now and I don't know why I bought this book, maybe my reading style was slightly different 9 years ago. But I'm actually pleased I've read it, I sadly won't be reading the second book though. I have far too many books to read that are on my TBR so I've not got time to read more of a series that I don't like. I know some books do get better in further books but I don't think this book really has the potential and I really didn't like the writing style.

So this book is about two teenagers and their "great aunt Emma" turns up unexpectedly and lives with them for a long time. The two children start to realise that things don't add up when they start asking her questions about their grandma, and then their mother tells them to stop bothering her. They start working together along with their friend and try to find out who she actually is.

These kids are actually quite clever for their age for what they do, but then at the same time they are just typical kids and try and do things to annoy other people. Some of the things they did were quite predictable. 

Another thing that I found wrong with this book is that the children were forced into situations that they didn't like, no child should be forced into these situations especially since they knew that they were comfortable in the situation. It just tells them that they need to stay quiet in situations that they aren't happy with but they shouldn't they should speak up no matter what.

The reason why this book was rated 2 stars by myself was because it was just so predictable, it was slow, there wasn't much action and it was quite obvious with Emma. So it just sucked and then like I said before forcing children into horrible situations, I just don't agree with that. There are a lot better children books I'd recommend f you are wanting a child to read this book.

There isn't anything scary about this book, it is mainly a science fiction/thriller than a horror.

Favourite Character: Beth

Read: 01/08/19 - 02/08/19

2 stars out of 5

Written by Sammie

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