Tuesday 2 July 2019

FairyLoot - June 2019

Theme: Broody Banter

  • Raven Boys Patch by @bookmarkd.tattoos
  • Reading Journal by @fictionteadesigns and @monolimeart
  • Simmer Down Kitten Socks by FairyLoot
  • Bloodwitch Enamel Pin by @ironandinkdesigns
  • Woodmark by @stellabookishart
  • Mermaid Tea by @thetealeafco
  • Secret Book of Banter by @noverantale
  • Print and Comic by @tarajah
  • Enamel Paper Clips by @taratjah
  • Exclusive Tarot Cards by @loweana.art
  • Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
I purely got June FairyLoot book box because there was a spoiler which said that the tarot cards in this box would be based on Harry Potter. How could I not resist this box? Plus it had the next half of the reading journal which Lauren wanted.

The theme Broody Banter, also enticed me because it sounded really good, and the book that was included had quite a lot of hype, so I was interested to see what it was actually like. 

The first item that I came across within this box was the mermaid tea, this was strawberry and kiwi flavour. I did actually try this tea in the afternoon of opening my box. I used the recommended dosage and found that it was quite weak so next time, I have a cup I will use double and hope that it's stronger. I will also be experimenting with the iced tea too at some point this month as I have quite a lot of time off. The design on the packet was quite pretty too, I'm not into mermaids though but I do like my flavoured teas and hot drinks.

The next item that I came across was a paid of ankle socks. These were inspired by the Lux series. I was made aware that the label for the socks was spelt wrong but it's only the label. The design of them is quite nice, I really like the colours of them and can't wait to wear them.

There was also a wooden bookmark which was inspired by air awakens series. I've never read this series but I do think the design is pretty and the quote is quite cute. I also much prefer the woodmarks over the paper bookmarks because they are harder to damage. I still haven't used one though because I'm worried that the ink from them will transfer to the pages of the book, so if anyone has used one before can you let me know, if it damages the books.

I then discovered the enamel paper clips which I thought at first were bookmarks and still thought they were until writing this review. Oops... my bad. I suppose you can use them however you want. They are heavier that I'd expect for a paper clip but the designs on them are cool. They are based on Jace, Jack, Rowan and just a general quote. They are honestly so pretty and I like how they are gold and silver, it makes them stand out a lot more and makes them just that bit more pretty. All you need now to make them perfect is some sparkles.

The next item was the Raven Boys iron on patch. As you know, I'm not a huge fan of iron on patches, I just don't know where I'd put them or what to do with them so they seem pretty pointless to me. The design is cool and to actually have a swear word quote included was quite brave but I suppose it must be a popular quote for it to be on the patch.

The reading journal was the next item, it has the same design as the first half of the year which I like because it matches and they can just sit together now. The art designs inside are also really pretty.

The next item I discovered was the new collectible item but I didn't open this until last because I thought it would be really pretty and I was correct. I absolutely love it. I love the storage box idea. I can actually keep little things in it now that I want to keep safe. I also like how you can store it on the bookcase and no one will think it's secretly not a book, so you can technically keep all your secrets in there. The drawings and quotes inside are so pretty, I really like them. I absolutely love the drawing of Will Herondale and I really wanted to reread all of Cassandra Clare books now considering I'm reading the Ghosts of the Shadow Market and I love it a lot. The review for this book should be up shortly as I'm just on the last book.

Next was a advertisement card as such for Shadow and Flame, which is the second book of Onyx. It's quite pretty and it sounds good. The series is on my TBR but I really don't know when I will get round to reading it as I'm still in a reading slump. I'm slowly getting out of it though.

The next thing I discovered was the Harry Potter Tarot cards. At first, I thought these cards were Dumbledore and Tom Riddle but after discussing it with Lauren, I think it could be Draco. But then after a discussion on a book page I am now totally confused and considering the death card to be Grindlewald but I'm not sure. I still need to clarify this.

This was the first time in a FairyLoot box that they've included a comic strip, it is from Avatar which I have seen but I personally didn't like so wasn't a huge fan of this print. Some fans seem to be going crazy for it though so it must be nice if you are a fan of Avatar.

The last item before the book was an enamel pin which was based on the Bloodwitch. I've not read this book either and will possibly add it to my TBR but my list is getting far too big now. It is a cool design, I've never seen this sort of shape on an enamel pin before so it is definitely unique.

Now onto the actual book Socery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson. The design is so pretty. The pages are just another level. I love the colour of them and the sparkles that are added to them it's just amazing, I love it so much. I have heard though when you read the book and you have warm hands the colours passes onto your hands. Which isn't good but a few people have used some spray that keeps the colour on the pages rather than transferring. I may consider this or I may just buy the normal version of the book to read without getting any colour transferring. I will read this book by the end of the year hopefully so look forward to seeing my review of this book shortly.

Written by Sammie.

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