Friday 7 June 2019

Rebel's Blade (The Aermian Feuds Series, book 1)

By Frost Kay

Secretly trained, swordsmith Sage Blackwell steps up to run her family’s forge when her father falls ill. Sage desires to help the neglected Aermians but is bound by duty to provide for her own… Until, that is, she's offered a chance to make a difference. 
Sage knows the risks; imprisonment or death, and yet, she's still willing to take them to protect her family. But when plans unravel, Sage finds herself facing the devils themselves, her sworn enemies, the princes of Aermia. 
Tehl Ramses is drowning; crops are being burned, villages pillaged, and citizens are disappearing, leading to a rising rebellion. As crown prince, and acting ruler, Tehl must find a way to crush the rebellion before civil war sweeps through his beloved kingdom. He'll do whatever is necessary to save his people. Yet, his prisoner is not at all what he expected. 

I have to say this book was amazing, and the ending was just so gripping and a huge twist, but well worth it.

I read this book while in a reading slump, no it hasn't got me out of it but I'm not deep in the slump anymore. Sadly this is the first time that I've rated one of Frost's books as a 4 star, so I apologise for that. I can 100% recommend her other series and I do still recommend this series, but maybe it just wasn't for me right now. I will get round to reading the rest of the series and my opinion may change all together, I would love to discover more on these characters and the actual events that are going to occur as it does seem really interesting especially towards the end.

The only reason that I have truly rated this book 4 stars was because at the start of the book, I felt it was quite slow compared to the rest of her other series, maybe I shouldn't compare them together but I am and I really can't help it.

Now onto the actual book, there is a trigger warning of violence, sexual assault and PTSD for sure.

I loved the character Ruby/Sage/Sai as she had so many different cover stories but her true person never changed. She was always the same true character. She never had different personalities like you would expect, it just truly fit her appearance. I'd really love to see that dress though, I can only imagine it was beautiful.

The two princes Tahl and Sam, what cheeky monkeys they are. The true characters of brothers/partners in crime. They are definitely the opposite of each other like most family members are and it's so good to actually read about them and watch their characters develop. I love how they interact with each other as well as with their cousin Gav. It is such a good read.

With Tahl, I also like how he feels guilty with what happened with Ruby and he how he denies his feelings for her. But she doesn't truly know or understand how he feels about her which at times is so frustrating considering I just want to pair them already, screw her and Gav I want Ruby and Tahl.

So Gav, the amazing protector of all. The one who helps her in the difficult times, the one who holds her as she has her nightmares and holds her back to sleep. Like this is perfect boyfriend material for her but not 100% for me. Yes he is a really sweet character and I love how he comes across, I also love how he interacts with her and his cousins, as you can truly see his personality. I also really can't wait to meet his daughter.

I feel truly sorry for Marq and Gav with losing their wife, I really don't know how they can deal with that, when I think about if I lost my husband I just can't, I really couldn't live without him. So I honestly can understand their distress and how they say there will never be another person for them. That is 100% how I feel.

The actual story-line is quite good even though it mainly just focuses on the two characters and how they are trying to make Aermian a better place for the people no matter what the consequences are.

To be honest, now I'm writing this review it is so tempting to give it 5 stars but the start really put me off on how slow it was compared to usual, so I really do apologise maybe my opinion will change the more books I read from this series.

I'd definitely recommend this book to people who have enjoyed her other series, who enjoy plot twists, love stories, romance, adventure and true heart to heart conversations.

Oh my I nearly forgot about the healers in this book! They were just a totally new level the amount that they protected Ruby was unbelievable and the relationship she develops with them is so cute. I really wish for them to meet again in the later books and develop their friendships, like seriously.

Please add this to your to be read list, it is worth the read I promise you.

Favourite Character: Gav

Read: 13/05/19 - 23/05/19

4 stars out of 5

Written by Sammie

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