Thursday 2 May 2019

Spark (Skin Books, book 2)

By Alice Broadway

Leora is reeling: questioning everything she has ever known about her family and herself.

As half-Marked and half-Blank, can she ever wholly belong in either fractured community? Mayor Longsight wants to use her as a weapon: to infiltrate Featherstone, home of the Blanks, and deliver them to him for obliteration. Leora longs for answers about her mysterious birth mother, and Featherstone may reveal them.

But will she find solace and safety there or a viper's nest of suspicion and secrets?

This is the second time that I've read this book, and again this book got me out of my reading slump. So all I can say is thank you once again Alice Broadway, but please hurry up and release more books, I can't just keep turning to these books in a slump, otherwise i will know them off by heart.

This book starts of at the end of Ink, Leora is heading into the forest to go meet the Blanks as a spy, she a letter to explain her presence but she is worried with how they will take her.

When she arrives in the forest she seems quite disorientated and quite overwhelmed as anyone would in this situation. It is not what she is expecting. This book is mainly about her time with the Blanks, and learning how they behave and act towards certain things which she can report back to her marked people.

Leora soon makes her friends and enemies within the Blank community. But the friendships she does make are just heart warming, especially the one between her and Gull. I find Gull is like a Blank version of Verity and it's so sweet that's possibly how Alice meant to write her, that it doesn't matter what you look like it's only your personality that matters.

Throughout this book there is a few twists and finding out different things that build the story up to what it actually is which I find really awesome, as only little bits are fed to you at a time just to keep you going and keep you interested.

It is also sweet that Leora looks to other members of the Blank community as her mother especially her mother's friend. It's kind of upsetting that she never actually got to meet her mother but then at the end of the day it isn't a fairy tale so there are no happily ever afters.

Like I've said before this series is mainly about friendships and young women turning into the people they are going to be in their later life. The friendships that are developed in this book are good it's like reading about a totally new world with the Blanks and learning their stories which are so similar to the ones back in Saintstone. 

What makes this book so different is that you can actually be reading about the life of Leora and Gull but then have a story right in the middle. It gives it a totally different unique setting and writing style which I love. This possibly explains why it always gets me out of a reading slump.

I can't really talk about the ending of the book because it is a spoiler but my god what different ending than I was expecting and Leora acting all sweet. It's so cute, I love it. 

Another thing that I love about this book is that it is talking about poverty and how people suffer and what people do to get the things they need to be able to live a reasonable life. So it's great that it mentions problems that are happening in our world now.

This book is so fast paced and gripping I recommend it to anyone. It doesn't matter what genre you like, I think this book is perfect to anyone who likes to read about friendships and real life problems.

All I can truly say is this book is amazing and I loved it so much, that you all need to read this book now.

Favourite Character: Leora

Read: 26/03/19 - 27/03/19

5 stars out of 5

Written by Sammie
Check out Sammie's review of book 3: Scar

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