Thursday 7 March 2019

Scarlet Venom (Mixologists and Pirates, book 3)

By Frost Kay

It was laughable that her blackmailers expected her to create a truth serum. If they’d done their homework, they would’ve known her brewing capabilities were nil, she flunked chemistry, and her moonshine was on the toxic side. So for once in her unlucky life, luck was on her side… until she almost blew up the lab. Unfortunately, singed eyebrows were the least of her concern. 

Fact 543 - Aliens don't understand personal space. 

Nothing was off limits. If they weren’t asking about her heat cycle, males were sniffing her for compatibility. One cocky Av even tried to claim her as his mate, but that wasn’t happening, no matter how good looking he was. But staying immune to his antics proved more difficult than Allie expected. Kind words, gorgeous eyes, and wicked grins were always her weakness.

Fact 678 - The line between loathe and love easily blurred.

It was just one kiss… maybe two. 

This is book 3 in this amazing series. We start with Allie Sae starting to make the moonshine carry the truth serum for the King.

In this book Allie's character becomes more developed and she starts to feel like she fits into the book a lot more. I love her personality as she is quite stubborn and forward, she is never afraid of telling people how she feels or how they get on her nerves. Which is great because there isn't many books that contain a female character with that personality, or if there is I've not read many.

The other characters that we have now discovered in this book are also great, at first I thought there was far too many characters being introduced but by the end of the book I couldn't imagine the book with less characters. They just fit together perfectly. I love how each one has a different personality and how each of them interact with Allie different;y which makes it a lot more interesting to read and funny at times.

The bit I found most funny was when they were trying to find a suitable dress for Allie to wear to this party for the King, and she found out all the males had chosen the dresses. It's just typical men knowing what suits a girl best.

There is the start of some romance in this book which I wasn't expecting but I think it is quite fitting to be honest and I actually really enjoy it and hope that it goes somewhere but we will see.

The story-line in this book doesn't really change much it just follows on from the previous book but I don't mind that because it is so short that I don't feel like it's effecting the quality of the book and it is still great. There is so much action and planning going on in the book that you get so engaged that you forget about everything around you, which is so great as I haven't read a book like that for a while.

Favourite Character: Allie Sae

Read: 14/01/19 - 15/01/19

5 stars out of 5
Written by Sammie
Check out Sammie's review of Book 4: Cyan Toxin

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