Wednesday 17 October 2018

Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns Series, book 3) 

By Kendare Blake

Katharine sits on the throne, Mirabella and Arsinoe are in hiding, and an unexpected renegade is about to wage a war of her own. The crown has been won, but these queens are far from done.

It seems like I have been waiting ages for this book, and then I had to post pone it because I couldn't get to Waterstones in tome for the release was just pure torture. I have been waiting for this book for so long so I had quite high expectations and I'm pleased that they definitely met my expectations.

The book first started off 400 years before the current 3 Queens, when the war queen was giving birth to the Queens. I found this chapter very interesting as you actually discover about the birth of the Blue Queen. To discover how the world coped with this was also quite interesting.

After reading the rest of the book I really appreciated the first chapter more because it seemed to be giving you an insight of what the main story line of the book was going to be about or at least the main topic of conversation between the main characters.

It then starts of with a present moment of Queen Katharine being painted for her Queens portrait which she seems to be struggling with because she does not see how she can be made to look beautiful when she says she is not. I found this quite arrogant if she was actually pretty but because I imagine her as not so beautiful then I sort of forgive her. But then again several thousand people are in their body who are beautiful but do not feel beautiful. So I understand if she has a slight image wrongness/mental illness. Can't think of the proper word for describing her seeing herself worse than she actually is. (Lauren update - I believe Sammie is describing someone distorted body image).

I'm not too sure how I felt about the main character in this book being Jules, she is a great character and has developed quite a lot but I'm not sure if she deserves it yet. With her being the main character I did actually enjoy the reading and the little twist some of her war friends are putting in to the story. So it quite interesting to read to see how the three sisters react to the news about Jules. 

I also found it really interesting how the book carried on with Arsinoe, Mirabella and Billy once they were on the mainland. I also felt the connection that Arsinoe was getting fitted into the story really well. As she had left Fennbirn after doing quite a lot of low magic, so it only made sense for her to be the character choice of contact and for this part of the story line to fit in perfectly, as she does do anything for her sisters and friends that she loves to protect like any person does to an extent when they care for them.

The action within the book is also quite dramatic, but it does definitely fit with the story line, and for the mist to make another appearance and effect the lives of the people on Fennibirn island was quite interesting, as it seemed like history was repeating itself. When in fact it was just the past speaking to the future in a way to help certain people. 

I loved the aspect of Arsinoe going into dreams and being Daphine in them as I felt these two characters were so similar in personality and the actions they do to ensure that they get the ones they love to safety or to prevent them from getting hurt. 

The ending of this book is just another story waiting to happen. In a way I'm pleased it was another cliff hanger, it's a shame that I have to wait potentially another year. But I suppose that just gives me another reason to reread the rest of the series.

Within this book I did think that the characters had developed even more which I didn't really think was possible, but obviously it was. I was quite happy with how the characters were before this book started, I felt like I connected to them. But now I suppose we are getting a better understanding of Jules and the war gifted people. This is a good thing in a way and I feel sorry for Jules because I'm not 100% she wants to be the person they are forcing her to be. It would be nice to have a private conversation between her and Arsinoe as I feel she would tell her how she feels and why she is doing it.

I have a feeling in the last book we may find out the growth of Fennbirn Milone. Also maybe what actually happens with Katharine because she seems to be getting out of control with the dead Queens inside her. I wonder who else comes across them and discovers her true secret. 

In a way I hope Katharine dies as I'm not a huge fan of her, but we will see, only time will tell.

This book is 100% a must read an if it is not on your TBR you have to get it on there now. The whole series from start to now has been amazing and the story line has been so great and twisted with so many little twists that you would never think possible. Each book keeps captivating you more, the whole thing is really well written and is easily read.

This book is perfect for anyone who loves adventure, well wrote book/series, great scenery, great characters and excellent twists throughout that keep changing as your reading.

Favourite Characters: Arsinoe

Read: 08/10/18 - 12/10/18

5 stars out of 5
Written by Sammie
Check out Sammie's review of book 4: Five Dark Fates

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