Friday 12 October 2018

The Caged Queen (The Iskari Series, book 2)

By Kristen Ciccarelli

Once there were two sisters born with a bond so strong that it forged them together forever. When they were angry, mirrors shattered, and when they were happy, flowers bloomed. It was a magic they cherished—until the day a terrible accident took Essie’s life and trapped her soul in this world.

Dax—the heir to Firgaard’s throne—was responsible for the accident. Roa swore to hate him forever. But eight years later he returned, begging for her help. He was determined to dethrone his cruel father, under whose oppressive reign Roa’s people had suffered. Roa made him a deal: she’d give him the army he needed if he made her queen.

Together with Dax and his sister, Asha, Roa and her people waged war and deposed a tyrant. But now Asha is on the run, hiding from the price on her head. And Roa is an outlander queen, far from home and married to her enemy. Worst of all: Dax’s promises go unfulfilled. Roa’s people continue to suffer.

Then a chance to right every wrong arises—an opportunity for Roa to rid herself of this enemy king and rescue her beloved sister. During the Reliquishing, when the spirits of the dead are said to return, Roa can reclaim her sister for good.

All she has to do is kill the king.

This review will be slightly different as I'm actually going to be discussing the cover of the book too. I'm slightly disappointed that it is only available in paperback in the U.K. I know Lauren ordered it from the US to get the hardback to match her FairyLoot book which I really wish I done but to be honest I'm quite happy with the paperback. The cover is so similar to the first which I like and since the paperback is almost the same size as book one which was hardback I find that more comforting. The cover is fitting for the book as it shows a person kissing a feather, which I assume is Roa kissing on her sisters feathers (Essie). This I find quite sweet because you can clearly see the love in the cover after reading the book.

The start of the book starts with a story in the past being told (the Skyweaver knife). I won't go into too much detail about it, but basically it is a knife which can be used to bring someone back if their soul hasn't crossed and the reason they died is still alive. The story is quite fitting to start off with considering the circumstances of Essie which you discover more going throughout the book. 

It then goes on to a scene where Roa and Dax are in a meeting trying to discuss the new terms that Roa wants to be put in place for the scrublanders. Which is when you discover that Dax couldn't care less and seems really laid back. But Roa is thinking now that something is in writing that he has signed to help her people, so things will be okay as he has to abide by it.

The story throughout the rest of the book is really interesting and is fast paced. There is quite a few twists that come along the way and there is a lot of betrayal that happens in the book. The betrayal and twists make it more interesting though and want to make you keep reading.

At the start of the book I didn't like Dax because I thought he was just a cheater sleeping around with every other girl, eventhough Roa said she didn't want to sleep with him ever. I still felt bad for her because she seemed to be upset with his actions, which made me think she did actually have feelings for Dax and Theo.

Later on in the book you discover more about Dax and the reason why he does these things, also you discover the true him which totally changed my opinion on him altogether. I now actually respect him and understood why he did those things, he is quite a smart guy with loads of tactics and reasons behind his actions.

Roa also changes her opinion on him and Theo which is interesting to see how this opinion changes. It also makes me feel sorry for her because she starts to feel terrible for the way she feels towards these characters.

The heartbreak within this book is quite touching and you most definitely need some tissues. I won't go into too much detail, but it is really not the heartbreak that you are expecting, for what Roa has to do and what she actually does I am amazed and quite proud that she is so strong.

The characters within this book mainly change their personalities which is good because it's like real life not one person stays the same the whole way through life with experiencing several different circumstances throughout.

For this book to be set on a different main character was really good it was different, not what I was expecting. But it was nice to see the point of view from the Queen and King's view to understand the problems that they were having to face, while trying to protect the people they loved the most.

The ending of the book I felt was perfect because all the questions I had were answered. Also to find out why the book was actually called what it was, was great it made me feel complete. So I don't really know what the third book will be about. I don't know if it will be from Roa's point of view or if it will be Asha's, but either way I'm really looking forward to the next one. I also really wonder what will happen in this last book too, as I really can't see what will happen unless it's what Asha has being doing since she went on the run.

I'd 100% recommend this book to anyone that loves adventures, twists, betrayal, old tales, sisterly love. But I'd definitely have some tissues nearby. 

Favourite Characters: Dax

Read: 01/10/18 - 07/10/18

5 stars out of 5
written by Sammie

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